Meet Time and Location:



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Copperopolis Sunday Drive

At the start of our Sports Car Group we mentioned there would be all kinds of drives on all sorts of days…Among the kinds of drives would be more spirited drives to satisfy the urge that some of us have to drive a bit more aggressive/spirited than the touring speed that most of our passengers and many of our drivers seem to favor…The last drive we experienced deliberately had a more mild group in an attempt to keep everyone together and safe…This one that I will be leading is not one of those…

On Sunday, November 15, I will be driving to Copperopolis for a little ice cream or whatever you would like…There is a pizza place, a bbq restaurant, ice cream and a cafe…I like their ice cream but you can choose whatever makes you happy…For me its the drive…

We will be leaving at 10:00 from the Bel Air parking lot and take the long way down over some twisty and some not so twisty roads…We will maintain a speed that will make the drive fun and exciting but not overly agressive…In other words not a “touring” speed…We will be on the speed limit most of the time...Pool Station Road has an almost unreachable, at times, 50 mph speed limit...People have asked how do you do 50 on that road...For our first attempt at this it wont be an overly aggressive drive but one that will keep you interested and engaged…On the speed limit...The drive will take around 1:40 to get down there…The return will be up to you or you can follow me…There may be a quick rest stop in Valley Springs...That has yet to be determined...

If this interests you let me know by November 11 and I will print out some directions so getting lost wont be a problem if we get separated…

Face coverings during group contacts are required.  Obviously not in your cars.

Distancing is important.

Bring a bottle of sanitizer.

lf you haven't already, download and sign the waiver and bring it with you.  You wont be allowed to participate on the run without signing the waiver.

Having fun meeting new people and enoying your car is mandatory.

Sunday November 15

10:00 in the Bell Air Parking Lot
